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Cen-Tech OBD II Code Reader

The Cen-Tech OBD II Code Reader is a must-have for any car owner. It reads and clears trouble codes in all OBDII compliant vehicles from 1996 and newer, saving you money by diagnosing your auto issues yourself. Get the information about the detected malfunction in English, French or Spanish with this easy-to-use code reader.
Zobacz więcej poniżej
Harbor Freight Tools
Odwiedź witrynę


The Cen-Tech OBD II Code Reader is a must-have for any car owner. It reads and clears trouble codes in all OBDII compliant vehicles from 1996 and newer, saving you money by diagnosing your auto issues yourself. Get the information about the detected malfunction in English, French or Spanish with this easy-to-use code reader.

Cechy produktu

Height0.83 In.
Weight0.37 Lbs.
Item Width2.65 In.